Saturday, April 25, 2009

RaginCajun - Singapore Chapter Get Together

* The Singapore Ragin Cajun had a small get together last nite at t.s & michelle's residence.

Attendees were Utah Phang, Sia and Gan, Yen Fong, Boon Lai and Lee San, Yeo, Chiu & KaiPeng and virtual guests Miss Han & Phang from Dallas.

Menu of the nite: Guacamole & Chip, Vietnamese Vermicelli, Redbean & Rice, Chocolate Cake

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Visitor from Fiji Island

Met "Champion" Ong ( ) aka Ataka (member of the Spring 83 painting crew) who was in KL for a short holiday. Ong, now a timber consultant has being working and settling down in Papua New Guinea and Fiji Island since mid 80’s after graduating with an Accounting degree from USL.
* pic are t.s., benny "FeiLo" Lim, Tham. and Champion Ong.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Coffee@original Old Town, Ipoh

Stopping by Ipoh to have the "original" old town coffee with "big" Tham and On Koon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Talent Who Never Came Home

On my last visit to US, I did a detour to New Orleans to have a first hand look at the devastation caused by Katrina. I called and met up with Alan Tan @ New Orleans Airport before heading to my next destination. Alan who hailed from KL is married to a N.O. native and has being living in Kenner outside New Orleans since graduated from USL in the mid 80's. Alan and Marie have 2 college going sons.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

432 East Main Street - Found!

Thanks to Gan Kim-Teck former MIA pieman (*51_false_*2_1800) who alerted me that our Towkay Sia (another MIA domino pizza delivery man) and Lingam(unknown now a professor in Singapore) have recently started a blog dedicated to former gang members associated at 432 East Main Street a.k.a “white house” during the 80’s.

You may visit them at

Friday, April 4, 2008

Recent USL Photos

Date: Apr 4, 2008 4:02 PM

Subject: USL Photo

Hi Han,

I went back to visit USL two weeks ago. I took a lot of photographs. If any of our friends interested, you are welcome to visit my space. The link below will get you there.!519444B35757EEB2!181?authkey=PAu4XKj6sRY$


Alex Sia Siak Yong(Class84)
Winnie Gan Geok Toh(Class84)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hello and Welcome On Board

Fellow Alumni,
For those who have recently attended the July 7th “Gala” dinner in KL, I am sure you have a lot to catch up with your college mates especially those whom you have lost touch with for the past 20 over years. For those who have missed out on the event, I am sure there will be one organize yearly from now on if the response is good. In short, I would like to thank Mohd Zahari Zain again for taking the “trouble” to organize it despite the fact that he almost has to cancel due to poor and slow initial response.

At the Gala Dinner, the UL@Lafayette Alumni Malaysia Chapter was born though without the official birth certificate (registration) yet. A few individuals were also “kena” arrowed to be in the committee to jump start and hold the alumni fort.
A blog site has been created at to capture some of the pass memories and future events. It will also serves as a forum for future alumni information sharing and dissemination.

Some time were spent digging thru some of the 80’s L’Acadien (year book) and relevant info and pictures had been extracted to kick start the site. Please email us if you find any inaccurate info published and we will make the necessary correction.

For Comments
To make the site meaningful, you may want to chip in with your thoughts in the comment section of the blog entries; guest book, etc. REMEMBER to Sign off your name and NO anonymous please.

Moving forward, we need content to make the site meaningful and alive! No content No “cerita”.
For blog entry to share:
Please include entry title and picture (picture tells a thousand words) if possible, approximate time the event occurs, etc

Alumni Directory (see our partial list at blog under “Directory”)
Name, year of graduation, major, email address, residence city, contact number and brief write-up of you, etc.

Please help to spread the word and forward to fellow alumni whom you know and currently not in the Alumni Directory.

Welcome on board and happy blogging.

On Behalf of the 2007 committee,

t.s. han(cmp85) a.ka. affandi

Saturday, July 7, 2007

UL@Lafayette Alumni Reunion - Impiana Hotel, KL

I can’t believe that life has passed us by so fast. How can it be that we left ULL aka USL more than two decades ago? Meeting one another up at this reunion tells us one thing - time flashes by very quickly.

We all have indeed changed and grown (shapes & sizes too!) not to mention that some of us have grey hair, and of course there are some who left with little hair. I speak for the ladies - Thank God, we have hair coloring.

Through this gathering, we sensed a feeling of being connected with one another as we shared a common past where our paths once crossed. We forged new relationship with our university friends whom we have lost touch decades ago.

This reunion provides us an excellent opportunity to network with one another as many of us have branched out working in diversified industries. We are proud of the Raging Cajun spirit in our ULL alumni where many of them are also movers and shakers in their professional fields. We are happy for our alumni’s accomplishments and achievements.

We were evoked with memories we shared during our university days. We reminisced the good old days of studying, cramming for exams, partying, tight budget travels, funny dormitory/apartment tales, part time jobs, project papers, etc, etc. Who can forget the 24-hour Doughnut Shop, which provided us with tasty doughnuts and aromatic coffee to keep us up for the last minute all-night-marathon study? Or can anyone recall the frying salted fish episode in the dormitory and the comments received from other dormitory residents? Umm… quite a tale!

We also noted that there were many ULL alumni couples at the reunion party. Yes, we found our life partners while studying really hard. We exchanged notes about the welfare of our families and that there are quite a number of our kids attending college now.

And to remind us that we have truly Grown Up - no more “play play as in ULL days” - here are the 15 signs (copied & adapted from the internet):

  • You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
  • 6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to bed.
  • You hear your favorite song on an elevator.
  • You watch the Weather Channel.
  • You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.
  • Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up.
  • "You're the one calling the police because those damn kids next door won't turn down the stereo.
  • You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonalds leftovers.
  • Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
  • You no longer take naps from noon to 6 PM.
  • Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one.
  • A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good stuff.
  • "You actually eat breakfast food at breakfast time.
  • 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work(betul?).

You read this entire list looking desperately for one sign that doesn't apply to you.

In short, we had so much fun and laughter at this reunion that we want to organize the next reunion soon. Please share your ideas with us so that we can look forward to another reunion party to be remembered for.

So, please spread the word around, member-get-member, start your recruitment process NOW!
by Tsui Ling

The Architect of The Nite!

The Organizer: Mohamed Zahari Zain of Class90. Inset picture was the smaller version of him taken from 85/86’s L’Acadien!!!

Once a "TaiKo" always a "TaiKo"

20+ years later, no more afro hairdo. "Feiloh" Yow now a towkay in KL and Chi On Koon , businessman residing in Ipoh Timur.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fresh Cajun Supplies

Some old friend recently brought back some fresh Cajun supplies while visiting us from the States. Jambalaya mix; Gumbo mix; Dirty rice and Cajun mixed nuts, yumyum! FYI, you may get frozen crawfish from Ikea food section. Those who crazy about Cajuns’ Popeye Fried Chickens (Crawfish Popcorn and Redbean & Rice not in the menu), you can get it at Terminal One of Changi airport.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Walk of Fame@Martin Hall wrote:
the next time u visit UL, pls make a visit at Martin Hall, they even hv the names of graduates engrave on tile pasted on the floor.
i am not sure is for all or only the ones in honor list picture was taken by my sis who visited UL recently

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Panties Raid

Any one would like to share their annual dorm "panties raid" experience.......

Wednesday, July 16, 1986

The Super "Laude" - Summa Cum Laude

This entry is dedicated to the super "laude" holders:
1. Wong Kar Seng(EE85): A 4-pointer is currently working in Egypt according to his spouse, Carrie Ooi ( )
2. Lim Yet Mee PHD (Biz85): Lecturer at Unitar(?)
3. Pang Kong Yau(Civil84): "Towkay" in KL

4. Yap Kai Beng(Civil86): Klang residence
5. Siapa lagi????

Tuesday, July 15, 1986

Lagniappe Day

Annual lagniappe day? Crawfish boils...
Picture extracted from 86's L'Acadien
Who were the cajun chicks???

ISC - 1986

Front: Sec Posypathy Jay Paspupathy; VP Sia Daniel Ling; Pres Tan Hock Soon; Trea Ling Hua Kher;
Back: Shantanu Gupta, Calvin Leung, Man Keung Tse, Lee Ah Boon, Lawrence Lee, Heraclis Heracleous, ISC Advisor Susan Weishar

Wednesday, January 15, 1986

Campus Cop

Dun mess with them!!! These were the gatekeepers who withhold your transcripts if you dun settle all your traffic fines….even after your graduation..

Thursday, July 11, 1985

Badminton Club - 1985

MSA - 1985

Front Row: Ayob Hashim, Pres; Nor Asman Hussein, VP; Zadaria Yaakub, Sec; Ong Bee Lee, Tan Lai Kee.
2nd Row: Mohamed Firouz Asnan; Syvester San; Mohd Tajuddin Tahir; Ahmad Zabidi Mohd Aris; Lee See Chaun

Saturday, November 24, 1984


International Students queueing up at the Campus Church for free turkey lunch on Thanksgiving day.

Wednesday, October 31, 1984

Thursday, July 12, 1984

"White House"@East Main

Akan Datang by Lau Siow Ling ( )

Dorm "Jaga" - Yap Siong Choon

Another “TaiKo”/ring leader, Yap Siong Choon ( ) who used to work as dormitory "jaga" that come with free food and free stay. He was involved in one of the longest marathon courting love affair at USL and had eventually succeeded and married Bee Eng. They have 2 teenage children and currently residing in L.A.

Watch out for Yap the next time when you are on California highway LA metropolitan area. He drives a yellow DOT pickup with yellow siren (see pic) working as transportation engineer with the Department of Transportation (DOT) of California.

Wednesday, July 11, 1984

International Student Council - 1984

International Student Council - 1984 elected officials from Malaysia are:
Lee See Chuan, VP;
Stevenson Lim, president Caltrans's Engineer for City of L.A. currently residing in Pasedena California.
and Leong Kok Khoon, treasurer.

MSA - 1984

Malaysian Student Association - 1984
First Row: Lee Ah Boon, Tan Yew Hock, Khou Beng Chew, Tan Soo Hock and Chooi Fatt Fook.
Second Row: Phang Poy Leong, Liu Teck Chai, Loo Seow Beng, Tang Kuok Tiing, Lim Kok Tiong, and Ling Kher Hwa.

USL Badminton Club - 1984

The USL badminton club members back in 80’s were predominantly from Malaysia.

Saturday, March 10, 1984

Computer Room

Remember those days where we spent endless nites at the computer room! Pyramid 90X at Conference Center and Multics Systems at Stephens Hall. The guy look familiar and I believe he is Chew something….

Sunday, February 12, 1984

Mardi Gras - New Orleans

My "idol" Kenneth Thuang Ah Ngau ( hailed from Triang, Pahang now a successful CPA running his own accounting firm in L.A. Picture taken with “Boy George” in New Orleans during 1984 Mardi Gras.

Tuesday, July 12, 1983

Acadian Bakery@Johnston Street

Thru’ introduction from the Donut Man Alan Pang (now CPA residing in L.A.) a group of Malaysians started working at the Acadian Bakery on Johnston Street during the Summer of 1983. The pioneer Cajun Pie crew a.k.a “Pie Loh” consists of few local black “kids” and a few Malaysians mostly on either “FaMo” or Solo scholarship. The initial days were fun and I recalled Mok’s one-hand egg cracking skill and dough rolling technique thru his training at home(family was in the “Pao” business in Sugai Buloh) were a jaw dropping eyes opener for the locals and the boss.
We did such an efficient job during the initial months that the owner Bill decided to fire the locals and let us “sub” the whole pie making job. His utilities bill was probably halved since we usually finished the work in half the time taken previously by the locals.

The pie crew’s roles & responsibilities were:
- The mixer: prepare the dough from flour, grease and shortening etc.
- The dough roller: prepare the dough for the pie maker
- The pie maker: making the pie from coconut, fig, apple or pineapple, etc. filling
- The forker: poking holes on the pies so that the pies could breathe in the oven to prevent them from exploding.

- The "general worker" - side kicker with no specific role

The first generation(Ver 1.0) “Pie Loh” :
1. Gan Kim Teck - MIA?
2. Lee Soo On - MIA in NJ or NY?
3. T.S. (Affandi) - hunting "heads" for a living and 50% goofing off in cyberspace currently residing in the “little red dot” under the "foreign talent scheme". Aspire to be a casino croupier in his next career move.
4. “Forker” Jiunn Tan - successful oil and gas engineer residing in a posh mansion in Klang but no where as compare to Istana “Z”
5. Mok KamTsui - software consultant and part time fisherman(leisure) residing in Dallas
6. Small Tham – graduated with some “laude” pangkat, now CIO residing in KL
7. Big Tham - banker in Ipoh
8. Freddie (Chooi Fatt Fook) – private financier residing in KL
9. "Speedy & longhair" Tiong from Sitiawan - MIA

10… anybody else???

Second Generation(please add on....)

The Oven team?....

The Exterminator - "Roach Man"

Pest Control – The “Roach” Man
There was a team of pest busters a.k.a. “roach man” used to go around the campus dorms to spray pest insecticide. I was told back then they used to shit “green” poo because of the toxin?? The more hour they log in with their pest job the darker their poo.

The crews were:
1. Loh Hon Siong(?) - MIA?
2. Joseph Tan – MIA?
3. Tan Lai Kee – Very good in basketball – MIA??
4. Anybody else?

Tuesday, April 12, 1983

Domino's Pizza Drivers

This blog dedicated to fellow alumni who once work at the Domino Pizza Chain.
The delivery drivers were:
1. Yeo Hock Chai ( ) architect in Singapore
2. Gopal Velu: a diehard Intel employee currently residing in Arizona.
3. Mike Low: MIA in Hong Kong maybe?
4. Seah: Businessman in Singapore
5. Ong Ku???
6. who else?

Sunday, March 13, 1983

The Rocker

This entry is dedicated to our Malay rocker frens who play the DeepPurple, Scorpion songs.... Where are you guys???

Saturday, March 12, 1983

Campus Painters

Part of the campus maintenance extended workforce, the student painters on a min wage of US$2.65/hr were require to paint and upkeep the campus dormitories. The most enjoying and motivating assignment was when we were tasked to paint the female dormitory. Per campus rule, painters were required to shout deliberately softly “man on the hall” before entering the girls’ dormitory hallway. You bet the surprises we had encountered with the girls!

The roles consist of the supervisor (talker); roller and the trimmer (most difficult job):

The Spring83 crews were:
1. Supervisor: Baskaran, a qualified CPA MIA after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans
2. Dr. Silva - professor at UKM
3. Santhi ( ) IT Biz Development Manager in KL
4. Tan Teck Huat: MIA
5. Ong, the accountant who gone MIA in Papua New Guinea since 90’s
6. Tham ( ) - CIO in KL
7. T.S. (Affandi )
8. Suresh(from India): MIA in Silicon Valley since 1985
9. Who else??

Wednesday, January 12, 1983

Laundromat: recycle your coin?

Have you ever try to "recycle" your quarters? It doesn't take us long to figure out which laundromat in town allow us to pull out the inserted quarters(using scotch tape) after the washing started. So is the coke machine....

This place also make your size XL t-shirt to size s if you don't pay attention to the timer and tempeture setting.

Monday, July 23, 1979


  1. Abdullah Hassan 012-393 8637
  2. Abdullah Sabri & Zaitun Abdullah
  3. Adnan 013-336 3836
  4. Ahmed Sharifudden (Puden) 013-986 0957
  5. Ain 019-265 8061
  6. Amir Ali 019-383 0381
  7. Amrah 03-5191 4743
  8. Amran Ariffin/Pn. Suryani Md Jusoh 013-350 9317 03-91723200
  9. Amri 019-352 5088
  10. Ashaari (KB) 03-2274 2079
  11. Awang & Atie 012-314 7404
  12. Ayob 016-375 2244
  13. Azam Fitri 012-309 7450
  14. Azimah 012-313 5151
  15. Azimat 012-493 0237
  16. Azman (Sikeng) 012-238 2890
  17. Azmi Awang (Momok) 012-694 8933
  18. Bazlan 012-208 1041
  19. Bong Kim Foo 012-233 7122 03-7710 2073
  20. Chan Ring Ring 019-326 0332 03-56376300
  21. Chan Seong Lee " "
  22. Chew Chee Kiong 012-339 9717
  23. Chew Lian Chye 012-287 7620
  24. Chi On Koon 012-5057759 05-5472537
  25. Chiew 016-696 9636
  26. Chio Lee Een 03-4108 8100 03-41088100
  27. Chiu Chong Sing(CompSc 85)
  28. Chong Ah Suan "
  29. Chong Charlie 019-220 6021 03-6277 2101
  30. Chooi Fatt Fook Freddy 012-288 4285 03-62803610
  31. Chu Pang Tun 017-8817580 03-20804800
  32. Ding Huang Seng 016-223 8370
  33. Ding Soo King 012-502 1318
  34. Ding Soo Lang 012-4936608 04-3902369
  35. Engku Aziz Muhammad 019-306 3593
  36. Eric 012-689 9613
  37. Fadhil Osman 019-310 8176
  38. Faezah (Salai) 019-260 1798
  39. Farah Diba Bt Md Zin 013-666 9216
  40. Faridah Hanim 03-7845 9205
  41. Mohd Firouz Azna 012-209 8070
  42. Foad 012-921 9677
  43. Goi Gaik Chin Carrie 019-653 2682
  44. Gouk Siew Mee "
  45. Hamdan (Mede Gemuk) 019-985 2377
  46. Hamdan (Mede Kurus)
  47. Hamizan & Hasmat 03-5542 1727
  48. Hamzah Ahmad 019-656 3704
  49. Han Ming Siew
  50. Han T.S.(Affandi) +65 9673 4956 +65 63366998
  51. Hashim 019-314 3103
  52. Haslina Ibrahim 012-660 6952 03-7847 2986
  53. Haslinda (Bob)
  54. Hazimi 019-233 0511
  55. Hoo Alex
  56. Hoy YK
  57. Huzaipah 012-292 9698
  58. Ismadi Abd Ghani 012-206 3075
  59. Jamdan 03-2617 1310
  60. Khou BC
  61. Kon Ming Kang
  62. Lai Wooi Teong
  63. Lau Siow Ling
  64. Lee Chan Hooi 012-331 0081
  65. Lee CT(Dr) 012-200 0046
  66. Lee Kok Chong 016-2213173 03-40420799
  67. Lee Su Seng 012-623 0835 03-23828000
  68. Lee Sun Chai Dr. 06-7982000 012-3422189
  69. Lee Tsui Ling Sue 012-2879323 03-20584838
  70. Lim Choon Chai Justin
  71. Lim Kai Seng 012-401 8288 04-399 9006
  72. Lim Kim Fatt
  73. Lim Meng Soon Henry 012-2177863 03-20747912
  74. Lim SS Michelle 6564902070
  75. Lim Stevenson
  76. Lim Yuek Kong 03-78777333
  77. Ling Lik Ong 016-223 8370
  78. Ling, Daniel 012-202 0696
  79. Logan(Mr) 012-203 0711
  80. Loke Kam Long
  81. Looi Der Sing 012-538 9706 Looi(Mrs) " "
  82. Low Teck Seng 017-2813888 03-62574928
  83. Mahmud Mat Sin 012-606 6283
  84. Mazlan Razak(Bosca) 012-323 1741 03-78808551
  85. Maznah & Rusli 017-678 1852 03-8210 2203
  86. Mohd Zain
  87. Mok Wun Keong
  88. Murad Suhud 019-218 6039 03-2731 1291
  89. Mus Herbert - Mustafa 012-296 1301
  90. Muzaini Khamis Nazam (Ano) 019-621 1079
  91. Neo Kenny 016-208 9098 03-41496748
  92. Ng Kee Siong Vincent " "
  93. Ng TK 016-2263669 03-79549353
  94. Ng Siaw Kun Sarah
  95. Ng, Willie
  96. Ngu Kong Chai Willie 013-3512003 03-78422286
  97. Nik Abdullah (Dollah Gemuk) 012-320 5543 03- 2692 9979
  98. Noraini & Abd.Rahman Mansur 06-601 1057/06-677 3038
  99. Norbaini Hasan Norela & Amir 019-355 5502 03-7875 7810
  100. Norma 013-394 9234
  101. Nurnafilah 03-5191 7129
  102. Ong Chen Yean 017-335 5062
  103. Ong Kam Chiong 012-207 1284 03-7842 2286
  104. Ooi Carolyn 012-389 7418
  105. Pang King Soon 019-228 4686
  106. Pang Kong Yau 016-218 2466 016-2064939
  107. Phang Siew Loong 012-2199903 03-21669371
  108. Quek Yap Moi Melissa 012-389 7418 03-77222470
  109. Rashid (Cameo) 019-376 5715
  110. Raul 019-220 8848
  111. Razak Ab Rahman Ir 012-325 2766 03-23315676
  112. Rishinsa (Raden) 012-987 0053
  113. Roseli (Ulik) 012-260 3242
  114. Roslan (Sele) 012-651 7604
  115. Rosli Yaakub 019-273 1806
  116. Rosman 012-987 0657
  117. Rozly Alwi 019-315 0143 03-5631 6909
  118. Sahimi Sahrudin Aminudin(Datuk) Ir 03-92827127
  119. Salehuddin (Mamak) 122839405
  120. Saliman (Salai) 019-260 1798
  121. Salina 013-385 7588
  122. Salleh Serwan 012-280 6056
  123. Sam Tuck Wah 05-2532688
  124. Sanusi 012-236 2661
  125. Santhi
  126. Shaharuddin Shahrin 019-370 4245
  127. Shahrum 019-371 1207 Shaifuzzaman (Ujang) 03-2331 5405
  128. Sia Hooi Chuan 012-679 1889
  129. Sun Chee Kong 012-212 9799 03-62777018
  130. Tan Ai Ai acc88
  131. Tan Chee Lip 012-483 0218 04-5085331
  132. Tan Chia Chin 012-334 5806 03-33441892
  133. Tan Jiunn Shyh 016-617 4263 03-21167720
  134. Tan Kim Chuan(KC) Ir 012-2992551 03-76652778
  135. Tan Wai Ling Warren
  136. Tan Yeow Cheok 019-3313399 03-33249599
  137. Tan Ying Ying 012-3717061 03-62777018
  138. Tarmizi 012-988 8370
  139. Tham Kom San 012-578 0770
  140. Tham Wah Choy 012-267 8950 03-79858863
  141. Thuang Kenneth
  142. Thean Yaw Yuan 019-280 2334 03-76201166
  143. Tijah 012-789 7009
  144. Tioh Kuang Hua 012-3196380 03-50323921
  145. Toh Kian Wah 012-3156593 03-80730200
  146. Velu Gopal +1 480 231 7537
  147. Wan Razani (Uyeng) 09-830 5912
  148. Wan Rohaimi Wan Ismail 03-2331 2436
  149. Watie 019-364 2097
  150. Wong Chee Yee
  151. Wong Kay Thong
  152. Yap Chin Choy 016-331 3648
  153. Yap Kai Beng 012-291 3442
  154. Yap Siong Choon
  155. Yap Yun Fatt
  156. Yeo Hock Chai 6562481052
  157. Yeoh Tech Peng
  158. Yong Frank
  159. Yow Weng Cheong +60122320283
  160. Yusuf (Kulop) 012-324 5808
  161. Yusuf bin Husin 013-369 8344
  162. Zabidi Mat Aris 03-2331 7729
  163. Mohd Zahari Mohd Zain 012-210 1989 03-77101581
  164. Zaidi Isa 012-4561578 04-3993343
  165. Zainal Hussin 06-525 3440/06-252 3449
  166. Zainal Rawi 012-305 1890
  167. Zainuddin Dahaban(Dr) 019-383 2999 03-41066077
  168. Zaki 013-618 5711
  169. Zubair 019-656 6166
  170. Zulfakher (Pakiaq) 019-260 5192
  171. Zulina 03-2331 1336
  172. Zulkifli (Tahmali) 012-219 1881